ADVENT DAY 3: Dec. 3 – Angel Gabriel Brings Joy to the Elderly


The first time we hear about an angel called Gabriel is in the book of Daniel, an angel sent by God in answer to Daniel’s prayer that was delayed for three weeks due to fighting with the devil. It took the Archangel Michael to break him free. Then we don’t hear about him again until Luke Chapter 1 as he retells the original Christmas story.

Gabriel had a huge task that first Christmas, and it began six months before the birth of Christ when he was sent to visit a simple priest in Jerusalem. The task that day should have been simple – he was to tell Zechariah that his prayer for a child had been answered; he and his wife would have a son. That should have been great news, right? If you’ve been praying for something literally for decades, wouldn’t you be happy when it finally happened?

But Zechariah is scared at first, then very skeptical of the angel’s message. “How can that be?” he asks.

Gabriel is not too happy when Zechariah questions him. He gives Zechariah his credentials – “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.” I imagine Gabriel rolling his eyes and thinking, “Good grief … Why isn’t he at least a little grateful? Maybe this wasn’t the best choice to father the one preparing Israel for her Messiah.”

He lets Zechariah know he’s going to have a consequence of his unbelief: “And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.”

Ouch, that’s harsh. Or so it seems to human eyes.

In his book, The Characters of Christmas, Daniel Darling describes the scene this way:

God loves to hear our doubts, to field our questions, and to hear our anguished cries. But it is disbelief that is a sin, our unwillingness to trust God can do the impossible. And so Zechariah’s punishment was to be struck mute for the duration of Elizabeth’s pregnancy.

And in a way, this affliction was less of a punishment and more of a gift from God. To not speak would be to sit in silence before God, to quiet the chattering of the soul and the noise of his circumstances. In a way, this is the work God seeks to do in the heart of all of us. Christmas is a good time to practice silence, to sit and listen to the voice of God to put away the devices that so often keep us from faith. A priest, who often spoke words of blessing on God’s people would be silenced and would emerge with a renewed faith in the possibility of God’s promise.

Maybe that time spent in silence was just what Zechariah needed to prepare himself to raise John the Baptist. That’s a tall order; one that requires concentration, dedication, and determination. All characteristics Zechariah honed during his time of solitude. When John was born, he was ready for the task. He named him John, and “Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God.”

Look Up – Connect with God

Read: Luke 1:11-22; 1:57-66

Key Verse: “The angel said to him, ‘I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.’” (Luke 1:19-20)

Pray: Lord, I know it’s human nature to question the impossible, to be skeptical of things we do not know or cannot understand. Help us to learn to trust you, particularly in the unknown. Help us to embrace the callings you have on our lives and to joyfully obey even when it makes no sense. Help us to keep our eyes on you.

Look In – Family Memories

Discuss: The main message today is that even when we’re skeptical, when we can’t see how God can do what He says He will do, we can and should trust in Him. Talk about a time in your walk when God seemed to be asking the impossible yet came through and did exactly what He said He would do. Sharing these stories will both strengthen your faith and give your children seeds that will help their own faith grow.

Look Out – Connect with Others

Is there a church in your community that could use some help – either yours or another? Take a step forward to serve where there is a need. Doing this as a family will be both fun and rewarding.

ADVENT DAY 2: Dec. 2 – Mary, the Mother of Jesus


As we celebrate this season looking through the eyes of all the characters of Christmas, there is none so unlikely to be at the center of this divine story as Mary. As a young, poor woman (guesstimates are she was around 14 or 15), she wasn’t looking for prominence. She was simply living out an ordinary life in an ordinary town with unassuming dreams. She was all set to marry humbly, give birth to many children, and never travel far from home. She could be described as a nobody in a nothing town in the middle of nowhere.


Then, out of nowhere, this angelic being appears and tells her she had been chosen to bear the Son of God. Her initial response recorded in Luke was one of fear and confusion, and a little human skepticism. Several thousand years later we may think how cool to have an angel appear, but when Gabriel came to Mary, God had not spoken to his people or through his prophets for 400 years. And there are precious few moments recorded in Scripture when angels show up in person at all. So it’s natural to think Mary was overcome with emotion – fear, doubt, confusion. She had never been with a man and the idea of becoming pregnant with the Son of God was overwhelming. I imagine her thinking, “Me, pregnant? With the Son of GOD? I’m just an ordinary girl, little more than a child myself.”


And then there was the task she was being asked to bear. When Mary says, “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word,” she was saying Yes to bearing the shame of an unwed pregnancy at a time when this carried incredible social stigma. Would her friends and family believe her claim that the baby came from the Holy Spirit? Heck, she wasn’t sure she believed it. And what about Joseph? Would he stay with her or send her away? We know how the story ends, but she did not.


She was saying Yes to raising the Son of God. It’s hard enough to be a parent to a human child; can you imagine the burden of raising Jesus? Would every maternal fear be magnified because He was God’s son entrusted to her? When she fed Him and clothed Him and rocked Him to sleep, did she wonder what would become of this child sent to save the world? It would be staggering.


Mary was also saying Yes to a lifetime of roller-coaster emotions. She would see Jesus feed multitudes, raise people from the dead, and walk on water. But she’d also see Him mocked, taunted, and rejected even by His family and hometown friends. And being the good Jewish girl she was, she’d be aware of what would eventually come – her son unjustly put on trial by His own people, her people. Every parent’s nightmare is to see their children suffer, and Mary would live this in the most agonizing way possible.


And yet…she still said Yes. Will you?


Mary didn’t know everything. She didn’t understand everything Gabriel told her. Mary, like all of us, was prone to doubt and worry and fear. But Mary did cling to what she knew. The child inside her womb was no ordinary child. He would save His people, including her. He would reverse sin’s curse. This child would rule the nations.


Think you’re insignificant living in the middle of nowhere? God knows your name. No matter what you’ve done or who you are, you can be made new in Him. Mary’s story can be our story, if we just say Yes to Jesus.


Look Up – Connect with God

Read:  Luke 1:26-38; Luke 1:46-49


Key Verse:  “‘I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.’ Then the angel left her.” (Luke 1:38)


Pray:  Father God, thank you for Mary’s example. Thank you for her unwavering faith, especially in the difficult circumstances she had with the pregnancy, birth, and early years of Jesus. Give us that same faith and obedience to do whatever you ask of us, no matter how difficult or unbelievable it may seem. Help us to hear your voice. And during this Christmas season especially, help us to see through the eyes of those who witnessed your birth here on earth firsthand. Give us new insights into this Bible story. In Jesus’ name.


Look In – Family Memories

Discuss:  Was there ever a time in your walk with Christ when He asked you to do something that seemed impossible or improbable, something that would cause you to be shunned by your family or community, something that just flat-out stunned you and left you asking, “What?” Share that with your children and help them see how God walked you through that difficulty and provided for you when it seemed undoable. Consider playing “Mary Did You Know?” by Mark Lowry and talk about how the lyrics give insight to Mary’s perspective.


Look Out – Connect with Others

Is there someone in your neighborhood, school, or family facing really tough times? Could you reach out just to encourage them, let them know you’re there for them, and offer to pray for them? Check into organizations in your community that minister to young, unwed mothers and offer to volunteer or meet some specific need they have. Be the hands and feet of Jesus in your community to those hurting and in need.

ADVENT DAY 1: Dec. 1 – Angel Gabriel, God’s Chosen Messenger


Have you ever wondered what the angel who carried God’s message to the world thought about that task? Gabriel was the angel chosen by God to tell:

● Zechariah that he and his wife would have a son who would prepare the way for God

● Mary that she would mother Christ

● Joseph that he should not be offended by Mary’s pregnancy and marry her anyway

● The shepherds that their Savior was born and encourage them to tell the world

● Joseph again, to take his child, the son of God, to Egypt to avoid being slaughtered by a king

Those are challenging circumstances and very difficult messages! How can you convince someone well past their childbearing years that they will soon be a parent? What do you say to a young teenage girl who is cowering in your presence that she will become pregnant and bear a child even though she’s never been with a man? How do you convince a man that the woman who was promised to him was pregnant (not by him) and that he should accept her and the child as his own anyway?

Was the task difficult? Did he understand the weight of his message and the historical turning point that he ushered into the world of humans? Did he face battles along the way, spiritual warfare with the enemy who certainly did NOT want to see God’s son born to man?

In his book, An Angel’s Story, author Max Lucado assumes a fierce and ongoing battle in the spiritual realm. In the angel Gabriel’s view:

We knew we could not fail. But we had no idea that the battle would come so soon. Suddenly I was entangled in an invisible net. Row after row of angels tumbled in upon me. Even the final flank was moving too fast to avoid the trap. Within moments we were a ball of confusion: wings flapping against wings; angels bumping into angels.

According to the scenario Lucado envisions, that was the first of several spiritual battles between God’s army of angels and Satan's cadre of demons before Gabriel even makes it to earth.

On a wave of worship, I flew, this time alone. I circled through the clouds and over the ground. Below me was the city where Mary was born. The Father was right; I knew her in an instant. Her heart had no shadow. Her soul was as pure as any I’ve seen.

I made the final descent. “Mary.” I kept my voice low so as not to startle her.

She turned but saw nothing. Then I realized I was invisible to her. I waved my wings before my body and incarnated. She covered her face at the light and shrank into the protection of the doorway.

“Don’t be afraid,” I urged.

The minute I spoke, she looked up toward the sky. Again I was amazed. I praised my Father for His wisdom. Her heart is so flawless, so willing. “Greetings. God be with you.”

Her eyes widened, and she turned as if to run. “Mary, you have nothing to fear. You have found favor with God. You will become pregnant and give birth to a son and call His name Jesus. He will be great. He will be called the Son of the Highest. The Lord God will give him the throne of His father David; He will rule Jacob’s house forever – no end, ever, to His kingdom.”

If I were Gabriel, I would have been thinking, “Are you kidding me Lord? They’ll never believe those messages.” And then, after carrying out his mission, apologizing to God for ever doubting Him. Gabriel finishes his assignment with Mary, makes sure she is willing, and leaves her as the Holy Spirit comes upon her, pleased he was able to do what God had entrusted to him and ready for his next assignment.

Look Up – Connect with God

Read: Luke 1:26-38

Key Verse: “The angel answered, ‘The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.’” (Luke 1:35)

Pray: Father God, thank you for Gabriel and his commitment to you. Thank you for Mary and her faith in you. Give us the determination and strength of Gabriel to accomplish what you call us to do. And give us the heart of Mary to be ready to obey no matter what you ask. May we be prepared for spiritual battle, and always remember to look up to you for help in our times of need.

Look In – Family Memories

Discuss: Share with your family any spiritual battles you’ve faced in the past and how you were able to overcome them. Talk about things that seem too big to handle and ask God to help you attack them one small step at a time.

Look Out – Connect with Others

Look into ministries and nonprofit organizations in your town; check out those your church may have a partnership with – see if they have any Christmas wishes for those they serve and decide as a family to meet one or more of those needs this Advent season.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Days 89 & 90


As we wrap up our summer in the book of Luke, I want to encourage you to reflect on what you have learned about the life of Jesus and His church this summer. There are so many unlikely heroes in Luke’s gospel, and there are so many instances where Jesus blew people’s expectations out of the water by showing them how much God loved them and how the Gospel, which means “Good News” is for everyone. Jesus is still saying, “All in” to people today. And as the church we get to be a part of sharing that message and opening our lives to people in our community, no matter what neighborhood they live in, their race, their social class, or their history. We echo Luke in saying, “All in!”


Luke 24:35-53 (Page 635 in our house bibles)


  1. Jesus said that His message would be proclaimed to all the nations. What does that tell us about the inclusive message of the Gospel?

  2. What is the biggest thought or idea you have gleaned from Luke this summer?

  3. What has Luke taught you that you can put into practice in your own life moving forward?


Thank God for Luke’s Gospel and for the gift of the Scriptures that help us to know and live out the will of God.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 88


When Jesus’ disciples hear about His resurrection they don’t believe it. They thought it was a bunch of ladies spouting nonsense. Even though Jesus had told them again and again and again that He would rise in three days, they had given up hope. They were so convinced that Jesus was still dead and gone that two of them didn’t even recognize Him when they walked down the road with Him for hours. It never even dawned on them that it could be Jesus. Have you ever been sure that your dream was dead and gone? That what you had hoped for was no longer possible? That’s how they felt. But all of those feelings would change in a short period of time as Jesus revealed Himself to them.


Luke 24:1-34 (Page 635 in our house bibles)


  1. What do you think the mindset of the disciples was as the were hiding out after Jesus was crucified?

  2. Why do you think the disciples on the road to Emmaus could not recognize Jesus?

  3. Have you ever thought that a dream of yours was dead, only to have it come true? If so, what was that experience like?


Thank God for the resurrection and what it means for us today!

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 87


Remember how we said that a big theme in Luke was all in - that the Gospel is for everyone? We get to see it here again in Jesus’ resurrection story. When Jesus breathes His last, the disciples are nowhere to be seen in the story. Who is? A Roman soldier acknowledging Jesus’ deity. A secret follower of Jesus named Joseph. And a group of women who stayed until the very end and watched Jesus being placed in the tomb. These women would also become the first witnesses to the resurrection, which is amazing because women were not allowed to testify as witnesses in court because they were thought to be too emotional and unreliable. I love how God puts so many unlikely heroes into His stories!


Luke 23:44-56 (Page 634 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think the Roman officer reacted the way he did to Jesus’ death?

  2. Joseph was a secret follower of Jesus but he played a huge part in the resurrection story by providing the tomb. Is there anything significant we can learn from that in your opinion?

  3. Why do you think Luke made sure to let us know about the role women played in Jesus’ story?

PRAYER IDEA Thank God that He chooses the unlikely to do the impossible!

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 86


Today’s passage describes the crucifixion of Jesus. Take the time to read through it 2-3 times and really reflect on what Christ did for you. Pay attention also the conversation He had with the two criminals who were crucified with Him.


Luke 23:26-43 (Page 634 in our house bibles)


  1. When you read the crucifixion story, what sticks in your mind?

  2. When Jesus promises paradise to the repentant criminal, what can we learn about Jesus’ heart for lost people?

  3. Someone once said that we should live our lives in the shadow of the cross. What do you think that means? Do you agree?


Take time to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice and what it means for you to live in the shadow of that sacrifice.

All In Summer Devotional: Day 85


When I was a kid, my friends and I loved to trade baseball cards. We would pull out shoe boxes of cards and make deals all day long. We didn’t look up the value of each card in a book or worry about mint condition. In fact, sometimes we would write our initials on the back of our cards. I would trade a Hall of Fame level player to my friend for a couple of nobody Cubs players just so I could complete my team set. Sometimes you won the trade and sometimes you lost, but that’s ok, it was just baseball cards. In our text today there is a trade that is made that is one of the worst ever. Jesus, the Lamb that Was Slain to Take Away the Sins of the World is traded for Barabbas, an insurrectionist and murderer. What kind of people make a trade like that? People who are blinded by hate for someone and will do anything to destroy them. And by a spineless Roman governor who will do anything to win the favor of the people. Remember the majority opinion is not always the right opinion.


Luke 23:1-25 (Page 634 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think Pilate was so hesitant to arrest and condemn Jesus?

  2. Have you ever thought about what happened to Barabbas? Did he change his life because he was spared? Did he put his faith in Christ?


Give thanks to Jesus for the indescribable gift that He gave to reconcile the world to God.


I love the insight we get from Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane before He was arrested. He knows that his crucifixion is coming. And even though He knows it is part of God’s plan to redeem the world, He also knows the suffering and pain it will involve. Torture, abuse, and wickedness that seem unbearable. So he says to His heavenly Father, “If there’s another way to do this, let’s do that. But I want Your will to be done not mine.” What a picture of Jesus’ humanity! What a picture of Jesus’ sacrifice for you and me. He was willing to put all His desires aside so He could accomplish God’s plan. It wasn’t easy. He prayed so hard His sweat came out like big drops of blood. Have you ever prayed so hard it made you sweat? All of this, we know, was done for us. All the pain. All the suffering. All the rejection. While we were still sinners and enemies of God, Jesus did this for us. That is an indescribable gift.


Luke 22:39-46 (Page 633 in our house bibles)


  1. When is the last time you thought, “I really, really do not want to do this”? Did you follow through or did you back away?

  2. What do you think was going through the minds of the disciples as the watched and listened to Jesus pray?

  3. When is the last time you stopped and really thought about what Jesus did for you and for the world on the cross?


Take time to reflect on Jesus’ last moments. Give Him thanks for being willing to do the will of God and not what was easy for Him.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 81


Peter is my favorite disciple because he is an “all in” personality. Peter doesn’t do nuance. If he feels it, he says it, and he doesn’t hem and haw. Peter is 100% sure he would never betray or deny Jesus and he says so without hesitation. He can’t imagine a scenario where he would deny his savior and Lord. He’s so sure, he promises Jesus it will never happen (Foreshadowing: It did). There have been times in my life where I was sure I would never let God down. I’ll never say anything like that again! Then I do. I’ll never treat someone that way again! Then I treat someone that way again. What follows is guilt and shame. But just as Jesus forgave Peter and restored him, Jesus does that for me. I am glad He is the God of the second chance.


Luke 22:31-38 (Page 633 in our house bibles)


  1. If you were in Peter’s shoes, do you think you would have said the same things he did? Why or why not?

  2. Have you ever felt like you let God down? That you were so sure you wouldn’t blow it but you did? What did you do?


Thank God for his forgiveness, His patience, and His love for you, even when you blow it big time. If there is something you need to confess and repent of, do it and clean the slate with God.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 79


Having people who don’t like you or don’t really know you give you a hard time is bad. But when someone you thought was your friend, someone you thought you could trust stabs you in the back, that is so much worse. We don’t expect good things from our enemies and we don’t expect evil from our friends. Even though Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him and that it was part of the plan, it had to hurt. He had spend three years discipling and befriending Judas, and now Judas was selling him out for thirty pieces of silver. What was Judas’ motive? Luke says Satan entered into Judas, so was he demon possessed? Was he just greedy for the silver? I have heard some people posit that he believed in Jesus and that he only betrayed Him to force Jesus’ hand and make Him rise up as the Messiah. Whatever the motive, Judas was wracked with guilt and took his own life in regret.


Luke 22:1-6 (Page 633 in our house bibles)


  1. What do you think motivated Judas to betray Jesus?

  2. If you were Jesus what thoughts or feelings would you have had when Judas betrayed you?

  3. Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend or family member? If so, how did you feel?


If there is someone close to you who has hurt you, ask God to help you to forgive and to work to restore that relationship.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 78


In Luke 21, Jesus talks to His followers about some of the signs in the last days. He talks about natural events in the atmosphere and galaxy. He talks about wars and persecution. He also talks about how people will try to mislead others about what is happening. If you have read the book of Revelation at the end of the bible, you know there is a lot of imagery that can be hard to understand, but you also know there will be some terrible and terrifying days to come. To all of this Jesus says, “Be alert and be ready.” He doesn’t say be afraid. He tells them not to be acting like teenagers whose parents are gone for the weekend and think they can throw a house party, only to have mom and dad come home early. Be ready, Jesus says, and pray for strength.


Luke 21:5-38 (Page 632 in our house bibles)


  1. Has there ever been an event or string of events in your lifetime that made you think, “This must be the last days”?

  2. What do you think Jesus means when He says to keep alert at all times?


Ask God to give you discernment and wisdom about the last days and courage to remain alert and faithful.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 77


Every once in a while you will see a news story about a wealthy donor giving millions or even billions of dollars to a charity, a university, or some cause. It is hard to compute that some people have that kind of money to give away. But the reality is, for the most part, the people who give those millions usually have millions left. They gave a lot, but they didn’t give it all. Contrast that with people who have very little in the way of financial resources and give generously, even though it leaves them with very little. I have experienced that on the mission field when a family or group of families will go with little to no food for a few days so they can give you a meal when you visit their village. It is incredibly humbling. Jesus made special note of a situation like this when a poor widow gave a couple of pennies. It’s not the size of the gift that matters, it is the heart behind it and the sacrifice.


Luke 21:1-4 (Page 632 in our house bibles)


  1. What’s the most generous gift that you have ever received? How did it make you feel?

  2. When you read this story, what makes the gift of the widow so great?

  3. What do you think it means to be generous? Is it easier for you to be generous with your time or your money?


Ask God to give you the generous heart of the poor widow. If you have struggled with generosity because of fear of not having enough, pray for more faith to give.

ALL IN Summer Devotionals: Days 75 & 76


Have you ever wondered if you will be married in heaven? Or if you were single in this life and you meet someone hanging around by the Pearly Gates could you have a heavenly wedding? What if your marriage wasn’t that great? When you get to heaven can you just pretend you don’t know each other? Jesus was asked about the marriage in situation in heaven, and He seems to indicate that things don’t work in heaven the way they work here. There is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven, Jesus tells them. Why the Sadducees came up with this crazy hypothetical we may never know. But what we can learn from Jesus’ answer is that many of our suppositions about what Heaven will be like are probably wrong. Whatever we think Heaven will be like, it is better. Two things we do know: It will be awesome because God is there, and you don’t want to spend eternity in the other place, because He is not.


Luke 20:27-47 (Page 631 in our house bibles)


  1. When you think about the idea of heaven, what do you picture?

  2. What do you think relationships will be like in heaven (you will not be graded on your answer)?

  3. What are you looking forward to the most about heaven?


Thank Jesus that He is preparing a place for you right now and that one day you will spend eternity with Him.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 74


Jesus tells a powerful story in Luke 20. It is a parable, an earthly story to teach a heavenly truth. In the story, a group of wicked farmers constantly abuse and reject messengers from the land owner. They want to do things their own way. The story culminates in the farmers killing the land owners own son. This is a pretty obvious parallel to Israel rejecting messengers and prophets from God and ultimately killing Jesus. This seems like a terrible injustice to the audience who heard the story. They realize how unfair this is. And then, at some point it starts to sink in. That’s what we have been doing, rejecting God’s message to us. The Pharisees know they are the bad guys in the story and it makes them angry. Jesus told that story because He wanted to break up the hardness of heart many of them had developed toward God and His Word.


Luke 20:9-26 (Page 631 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think the evil farmers rejected the landowner and his messengers?

  2. If you were the landowner, how would you have reacted to the evil farmers?

  3. Do you think the Pharisees were angry that Jesus was talking about them or were they mad that someone was calling them on their behavior?


Ask God to help you keep an open mind and a soft heart to receive the messengers He may send into your life.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 73


Most of us can tell the difference between being asked a question and being questioned. If you are a parent, you know when your kids want to know something and when they are questioning your authority. Same thing if you are a teacher or a boss. Answering honest questions can be a joy, being questioned, not so much. When the priests brought their questions to Jesus, it was usually not to learn. It was to try and trip Him up or get Him with a “Gotcha!” moment. Jesus knew that. So most of the time He answered their question with a question of His own. This shut down the debate really quickly. In the Gospels, Jesus answers a lot of sincere questions from people seeking truth. But He also rebuffs a lot of people (usually the super religious ones) who are questioning his authority and identity. God is not afraid of our questions. But we need to check our heart to see if our questions are for the purpose of learning or if we are questioning God’s character and purpose.


Luke 20:1-8 (Page 631 in our house bibles)


  1. Are you someone who tends to ask a lot of questions, or are you someone who people look to for answers? (Or both?)

  2. Why do you think Jesus didn’t just come out and answer the priests questions?

  3. If you could ask God any question and knew He would answer, what would you ask?


Ask God your questions and ask the Holy Spirit to help you have understanding.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 72


In our school district, when our varsity teams win a state championship in sports, cheerleading, or the arts, there is a triumphant entry into town. The team buses assemble in the Wal Mart parking lot and a fire truck, sirens wailing and lights flashing, leads them through town to the school parking lot. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to congratulate those students on their accomplishment. In today’s passage, Jesus makes His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. People are yelling and singing. They are laying their coats on the road the Jesus’ donkey to walk on. They are waving palm branches (that’s why we celebrate Palm Sunday in Easter season). Hopes were high that Jesus was showing up to save the day. And he did. Just not the way they expected Him to. This began Jesus’ final mission in Jerusalem that ended with His death and resurrection.


Luke 19:28-48 (Page 631 in our house bibles)


  1. Put yourself in the crowd as Jesus rode into town. What do you think that felt like?

  2. Why do you think the Pharisees tried to shut down the crowd?

  3. When you read about Jesus clearing the Temple, why do you think He was so fired up about it?


Take time in prayer to worship Jesus as the “King who comes in the name of the Lord.”

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 71


Stewardship is a word that we don’t use often, but it is an important word when we talk about the abilities and resources God entrusts us with. The bible does not say we are all the same. We don’t all have the same talents, skills, and abilities, and we don’t have the same amount of resources or wealth. But, as Jesus teaches in today’s story, we are all held to the same level of responsibility. We are all called to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us. Whether you feel you have a lot to offer, or a little, you are called to faithfully invest it. How you use your time, your money, and your gifts is a reflection of your love for God and your growth as a Christian. The bible says that one day all of us will give an account to God for how we spent our lives. On that day, it won’t be about who has or accomplished the most. It will be about who was a good and faithful steward with what God entrusted them with.


Luke 19:11-27 (Page 630 in our house bibles)


  1. What do you think is the difference between stewardship and ownership?

  2. What would it look like for you to be a good steward with your time, gifts, and money?

  3. What is an area of your life that you want to be a better steward of?


Thank God for all the gifts and resources He has brought into your life. Ask Him to help you to steward them well.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 70


Currently, Taylor Swift is on a concert tour to end all concert tours. “Swifties” as her fans are known, and their parents, are willing to fork over thousands of dollars for a ticket to one of her shows, and still many people can’t get their hands on them. To call it a “hot ticket” is an understatement. People will often go to ridiculous lengths to get a seat at a game or even a glimpse of a famous celebrity. That is kind of Zacchaeus’ story. He wanted to see Jesus in the worst way. But he was too short to get a glimpse through the crowd. So he ran ahead on the Jesus parade route, climbed a tree, and waited for an overhead view. When Jesus finally noticed him, He told Zacchaeus to climb down, then invited Himself over for dinner. That dinner led to a change of heart and purpose for Zacchaeus. I am so glad that God will meet people wherever they are to lead them into new life.


Luke 19:1-10 (Page 630 in our house bibles)


  1. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever seen or met in person?

  2. What’s your favorite part of Zacchaeus’ story?

  3. Jesus said He came to seek and save the lost. How do you see that played out in this interaction with Zacchaeus?


Thank God that He is willing to meet you where you are at and that He has a unique purpose for your life.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Days 68 & 69


“What do you want?” Seems like a simple question. But when Jesus asks the man blind beggar it seems a little rhetorical. Did Jesus not know this man was blind? Wouldn’t He assume that what the blind man wanted was to see? Did Jesus sense a greater need in this man than vision? Whatever it was, the man was determined to talk to Jesus and Jesus was willing to talk to him, so He asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” The man’s answer was simple and straightforward, “I want to see!” And Jesus healed him. But why the question? I think, and this is my take, not a Gospel fact, Jesus wanted the man to articulate his need. He wanted to hear him voice his need, but also declare his faith. The man could have told everyone else around him that he wanted to see and would have still remained blind. They may have offered to pray for him or put a few coins in his cup, but only Jesus could give the man what he really wanted. So Jesus asked and the man declared it. Not only did Jesus open the beggars eyes, He opened the eyes of the crowd as well.


Luke 18:31-43 (Page 630 in our house bibles)


  1. If Jesus were to ask you the question, “What do you want me to do for you?” what would you say?

  2. If Jesus already knows our needs, why do you think He asks us to pray and tell them to Him?

  3. What do you think Jesus’ interaction did for the beggar, besides restoring his sight?


Jesus asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” Take time in prayer to answer that question. Before you pray that prayer, answer this question: “If Jesus said yes to my prayer, what difference would it make?” May that lead you to pray bigger and more significant prayers.